Millie One week after second rod lengthening. Looking very straight  Tyler's first day of school

We're all in this together. FA might be depressing at times, but it brings all of us closer together. Don't forget, most of us would not even know each other it it weren't for FA. This group is not all about bad news - there's a lot to celebrate! Our kids are unbelievable! Strong, smart, funny, special, loving, outspoken, beautiful. This is where we get to share some of the best of our kids and families. We have photos of our families, links to news stories about us, and memorials to those who've left us. Or check out the map - we're everywhere. You're not alone! Browse around and enjoy.

If you'd like to share photos or stories, log in and you can upload content to the site.

Contact us if you have any problems.




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