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Instructions to Subscribe to the Mailing List

We are glad that you have found us!

If you are a parent or guardian of a child diagnosed with FA or some other type of childhood onset ataxia, we welcome you and want to tell you that you are not alone anymore!  From all over the world, we communicate with each other through this website and e-mail list; all parents who are having similar experiences.  We share the joys of raising our children, as well as the heartache of the progressive condition called ataxia.

To join the website and mailing list, simply fill in and submit the Request Membership form. We will then notify you with instructions on how to log in to this site and how to participate in the mailing list.

The FAPG mailing list is a closed list, limiting subscriptions to parents and guardians of children with Friedreich's Ataxia (or other childhood onset ataxias). We also have a dedicated doctor reading the mailing list: Susan Perlman, MD, from UCLA Neurology.

After receiving the membership confirmation from us, you can begin mailing to fapg@groups.io. We suggest you start with a personal introduction.

Before you submit email to our list please read posting guidelines and policy of confidentiality for FAPG.

We also encourage you to join the FARA mailing list to receive their excellent newsletter, The Advocate. You can read previous issues and sign up to receive future issues on the FARA website.

Looking forward to knowing you!

Sue Kittel
FAPG list manager

Questions? Contact Us Donate to FARA