From Wrightslaw
The transition from high school to college is difficult. Although college students with disabilities are protected from discrimination under Section 504, some professors take a dim view of students who request accommodations.
College-bound students need to learn self-advocacy skills - how to present information about their disability and accommodations so professors want to help. If students master these skills, they are more likely to make a successful transition from high school to college.
Recommended Strategy
We suggest that you make two copies of the Help for College Students with Disabilities Flyer - one for your child, one for yourself. After you and your child have reviewed these resources, sit down and discuss what you learned.
Help for College Students with Disabilities Flyer (2 pages, pdf)
Learn more about Section 504
More Flyers from Wrightslaw
Accommodations for College Students by Dr. Mike Brown
Dr. Brown writes, "I have some suggestions for parents whose kids are having difficulty getting universities to waive course requirements. Although universities are not eager to waive requirements, they can often be persuaded to do so."
To read Dr. Brown's advice about accommodations and course requirements, read
Accommodations for College Students.